I have suffered my entire life around the stigma of anger. Somehow I got to my adulthood without ever understanding that anger itself is not bad. Misplaced anger may cause pain and discomfort and mess up relationships, prolonged anger is defintely the cause to physical ill health, violent anger is definitely not good.
BUT anger in and of itself is just anger. A reaction - not good, not bad - it just is. And often anger is the momentary reaction that you need in order to decide to move into action, to do something differently, to say enough is enough and to raise your standard to how you want your life to be.
WOW, how good it is to let go of my judgment of something I was feeling, thinking and experiencing on a pretty regular basis but because I held it as wrong - that made me wrong. God knows the last thing I need is another reason to feel wrong. Looking back though, I now understand how much discomfort I experienced in my life, had to do with the criticism I held about feeling angry and now I see that the criticism and making myself wrong was the pain and the anger itself.
YIKES, while finding freedom for myself, I must also take an authentic look at what misleading messages I have given to my sons. I'm certain there will be something for me to clean up with them. And again I remember: before enlightment, chop wood, carry water; after enlightment, chop wood, carry water. So now I get to take my freedom and powerfully share it with my sons.
PHEW - what a gosh darn relief to get this one. This one was so deeply, deeply embedded that I could not see my way through until now. Now, I do not want to walk around being angry but at heast if and when it happens, I can anticipate using it much more creatively as a catalyst for change. Oh, self-awareness is such an important and key element for our state of happiness. Even as I write this outloud to you, I sense a deep shift in the paradigm of me, Michelle. Right here I get to embrace greater freedom.
I declare for myself: My moments of anger are an opportunity for change and I handle them with absolute grace!
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