Saturday, June 16, 2012

. . . and So It Is, Meditations for the Soul

My new book has arrived. It is entitled: .  .  .  and So It Is, Meditations for the Soul
This book is dedicated to those who are not in love with "god" but are spiritual and simply love a sense of empowerment.
I am sweetly proud of it because it is filled with words of love from me.
Here are a few quotes from the book, at the end I'll provide the link in case you want to order it through Amazon.
BTW, thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for giving me a reason to have a voice.
Dedicated to my readers:
  • Sow your seeds often.
    Sow them well.
    Sow them deeply, confidently and in private.
    Let no critics see your garden until the harvest, when they will be in awe!
  • An abundant dose
    All resistance.
    Heals all distractions.
    Reveals all good.
    Live a life that has you licking your lips,
    dancing wildly, and
    loving without a safety net.
~ all by Michelle Wadleigh

Link to purchase the book:

My love to you.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Run from those who know but run toward those who seek!

How do you know who to listen to? How do you know whom to turn to for advice? How do you know what books to read, what coach to use, what course to take? It can get very confusing when you are seeking advice or guidance, and everyone around you claims to be an expert.

You first have to begin by being clear on what it is that you want. Do you really want advice? Advice is cheap, and you can get it on the inside of a Snapple bottle cap. Or do you want to walk the path that someone else has walked? If you want the latter, you first must decide what really matters to you because with some individuals, it is all smoke and mirrors.

Start by considering what qualities you are seeking to demonstrate in your own life, and at the end of the day, who do you want to be? Once you know what you want, finding a guide through the fog to who you are will be much easier, but always keep it real. When you begin your hunt for that "right" teacher/guide/coach, look at a few different things about all the candidates: 1) How are their lives? Are they happy? Do they embrace change with confidence and conviction, or do they balk at the first sign of challenge? 2) Do they consider themselves as experts on everything in the world, or do they admit that they are lacking experience in something, and suggest that you go elsewhere? 3) And finally, are their actions consistent with how they present themselves?

It can be easy to find individuals who think they know just about everything, but those who constantly seek to go further, to look deeper, to forgive more, and to love more, are who I want to be around. Watching one's own mind and ego is not an easy task. Actually, it can be downright exhausting. I check my words against my standard of authenticity regularly, and things still get by. What has helped me is the attitude that says, “I'm willing to be wrong and I'm willing to be teachable.” If you are willing to remain teachable, you will be gifted with all sorts of guidance that could be held at bay by an "I KNOW" attitude.

Want more love, more peace, more joy? Be the eternal seeker, the eternal student. Be willing to have life gently guide you to a higher experience of yourself. The seeking I'm speaking about doesn't mean you have to give up your current path for a new one, but to take the path that you are on more seriously, to stand on this path in total conviction. In the end, the world is our teacher, so remain teachable and so much good will be present.

Run from those who know, even if it is YOU, and turn to those who seek as you allow yourself to be the seeker. Dance in the light of discovery.