I swear, I did not know about Wayne Dyer's new book when I came up with this title for my Sunday Celebration, of Sunday, June 21st. But I am amused as to how often ideas, thoughts, themes find their way into the collective unconscious and how many individuals if they are listening will tune in at the same time.
BTW, in case you want to check my Center: http://www.cslnj.org/
Whenever I hear someone else and especially myself begin to explain why I did or did not accomplish something, a task, a phone call - anything - I have begun to recognize how incredibly impotent I am when I live life from excuse to excuse. So I have been looking at taking away the reasons and the excuses and replacing them with greater intention. When I set my very real and powerful intention in motion, I know that worlds open up to support me. Yes, I am giving up excuses and moving toward greater and greater integrity.
Not the moral type of integrity, simply the type that says that I will do, complete and follow through on my word. I am choosing to be my word. More and more, as much as possible. And what I know is this: when I am willing to take responsibility for my world, and stand in true authentic power than there is no where else in the world that I would rather stand.
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