This woman standing before you has never been in relationship before. Truly, she hasn’t, not ever. Although her years are not few, she is new to life in relationship. Her hearing is fresh and can hear only words of love. Her speech is new and refined and can only speak and report from an expanded point of view. The words that fall forth from her mouth are loving and tender. Her eyes dance over the surface of everything as she sees Truth and is in constant awe of perfection.
Oh, this woman, is the very activity of love and so brings this to all aspects of her life but mostly to her relationship. She brings an open heart as she fearlessly strides forward toward the open arms of her other and she is received with equal receptivity. This newness is birthed from her new mind, her healed heart and a willingness to receive a full portion of good as determined by her birthright.
No, this woman has never been in relationship before. This woman will not be defined by any wounds, stories or old ideas; for now is her only time and here her only place. Her lover receives this untainted expression and meets it with his open and healed heart, his open and free mind and his wide open arms.
This is a virgin relationship, brought together in consciousness, and supported by an endless flow of love and joy and humor. Oh, how a new and untainted mind creates such beauty. No stories that matter. No wounds that distract. There is only choice and peace and loving intention.
So let me introduce you to this new woman who has never been in relationship before, it is me, I am here and I am walking in love, being love. Thank you God for transforming all the aspects of me that made this possible.
WOW WEE!! This is brilliant!