Thursday, September 29, 2011

What are the chances?

What are the chances that I would be sitting in my living room on the phone in prayer when a 4" in diameter branch would come flying out of my tree?
What are the chances that one of my oldest cats would be hanging out on the deck at that exact time - UNDER THE BRANCH - only to get hit in the head?
No joke, this happened just yesterday morning. My cat is now at the vet for emergency care and I am hundreds of dollars lighter in my purse.
I will have to report back to you, she is trying to stay alive and I am still in prayer.
That was yesterday. Through the night, she made some strides toward recovery. This morning I await the doctors call.
I am truly fascinated by how Life creates coincidences to show up to keep us mere mortals at attention.
There must be Order that we cannot see from our point of view. There must be a Divine Intelligence within which is a higher idea.

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