I am sharing with you here, an email I sent out to my community yesterday.
Prayer is good. Prayer and movement for me is natural and in Principle. This was my call to "arms", so to speak.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Time to roll up our sleeves
Being the "good" Religious Science student that I am, this past Friday morning upon hearing about the Tsunami, the very first thing that I did was prayer treatment. I continued with alerting all of my ministerial body to solicit their treatment support, contacted my Practitioner body for their treatment support and then wrote a prayer for our email list. I have done my due diligence.
But what's next is the question that is being asked and I would like to answer it as I contemplate the serenity prayer and remember that we are One human family.
Here are my suggestions:
Always begin by doing your work in consciousness first.
Stay informed.
Talk about it, keep the energy for support alive.
Move the conversation as soon as you can to possibility, support & solution.
Ask yourself this important question: What is mine to do?
Then ask the leadership of any organization that you might belong to what they are doing? Prod them to get involved.
Get involved yourself by attaching yourself to anyone who is doing something responsible.
While doing all of this count your blessings and always touch the place of compassion within you - never the place of pity. Pity is a heavy and ineffective energy while compassion will move your heart and your feet.
Remember this: With God all these are possible. Lean into God for your strength, inspiration and guidance. God as YOU will know what to do and when the call comes, say YES.
It is my intention as the Spiritual Leader of this Center to make something happen. What that will look like is yet to be determined?
If you would like to be part of the solution please CALL the office and leave your name and phone number and tell us what it is you have to offer the cause.
Blessings to all of us, may we find our bounty and the wisdom to act responsibly and heartfully.